Sign up

To start working on a project in the SEOGUN system, you can get a free trial account.

When you connect a free trial account, you get the access to the service, where you can create the first group, the first project and track changes of up to 10 keywords. During this time, you will be able to evaluate the convenience of our service and decide whether it suits you.

Creating new account:

  1. 1. On the SEOGUN website, go to the registration page or select one of the tariffs in the Pricing section.
  2. 2. Specify the email that you will use to authorize in the system. We will send a letter confirming the account registration to this email, and after that, project notifications and other important messages will be sent there.
  3. 3. Use only a valid email so that you can verify your account.
  4. 4. In the received email from SEOGUN, click on the Verify Account button to complete the email verification.
  5. 5. Create a password 6 to 24 characters long. You can use numbers, letters and other symbols.
  6. 6. If you didn't receive the email, please check your Spam folder, the email may have got in there. If the letter is not in this folder, please contact our technical support.
  7. 7. If you would like to learn more about our pricing plans, please go to the Pricing page and purchase your desired pricing plan.